Why You Need to Hire a Copywriter to Handle Your Content Marketing Needs


You’re a badass business owner.

At this point, you’ve probably wrestled with a common debate: do you tackle your own content marketing strategy, or do you hire a copywriter to take care of it?

Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m capable of writing, so what’s a copywriter gonna do that I can’t do myself?”

I hate to break it to you, but it’s actually not that simple.

That’s why 73% of companies hire a third party to take care of their content marketing needs, and those companies see conversion rates that are 6x higher than companies who take the DIY route (1).

Here’s why you should hire a copywriter to take care of your content marketing needs too, and how I could be the perfect sustainability copywriter for you.

You don’t have enough time.

More often than not, I come across business owners like you who have tons of amazing content marketing ideas.

You’ve built your business from the ground up. You know the ins and outs of your industry, and you’ve made it through all of the growing pains so far. Naturally, you have a ton of cool information and firsthand experience to share.

But with everything else that comes with running your business — researching new materials/ingredients, creating new designs to keep up with the times, fulfilling orders, and much more you just don’t have enough time to put your thoughts on paper.

Can you relate?

Not to mention, there are so many different types of copy and technical strategies used in content marketing today. You’d have to learn the best practices for every aspect and make sure your content is engaging and compelling. It’s not easy!

For example, to have an optimized blog that actually improves your Google rankings and drives organic traffic to your site:

  • Your posts should generally be between 1,000-2,000 words.

  • You need to know which popular search engine keywords to include.

  • Your formatting must be on-point enough to grab the attention of “skimmers” and Google.

  • Your content must be useful and engaging to keep your readers from leaving.

  • You have to post frequently — like once a week (2)!

Do you really have the time to write effective copy that’s long enough, organic, engaging, compelling, and frequent?

And even if you do, that’s just what it takes to maintain an effective blog. Who’s gonna handle the rest of your content marketing needs?

You want to effectively drive more traffic to your site.


According to a 2020 State of Marketing Report, web traffic is one of the top two most common indications of success for content marketing strategies (3).

If your online traffic isn’t increasing, what’s the point?

But using content marketing to successfully increase your web traffic isn’t simple. It involves updating your social media, maintaining effective email campaigns, following Search Engine Optimization (SEO) best practices, understanding and studying website analytics, and keeping up with Google algorithm changes — just to name a few.

Maybe you have social media under control, but the rest of these are not only time consuming, but they’re also complex.

For example, following SEO best practices includes (but is not limited to):

  • Producing weekly, keyword-focused, lengthy, and engaging content

  • Optimizing your on-page website content

  • Strategically updating page titles, metadescriptions, image alt-texts, and more

  • Achieving backlinks by effectively reaching out to other brands in your industry

Plus, you’ll want to measure the success of all your efforts. That involves studying and understanding website analytics — which is a beast in itself. The Google Analytics for Beginners course has 17 modules alone.

On top of that, Google updates its algorithms all the time, which has the potential to severely impact your organic website traffic.

What are Google algorithms exactly? They’re a complex system that Google follows to gather information from its search index and hand over the best, most relevant results for a Google search (4).

And you want to be at the top of the results for said Google search, right?

The reality is, Google makes thousands of changes to its algorithms every year. SEO experts study these changes and do their best to relay strategies to adapt to them.

But the good news is: copywriters wear many hats. We’re the people who study the info from SEO experts, learn website analytics, and produce optimized content, so our clients’ content marketing and SEO efforts don’t go to waste.

As a business owner, it’s overwhelming and time-consuming to keep up with all these things. Let a copywriter take it all off your plate.

You want your writing to inspire consumers to take action.

On top of technical knowledge, copywriters take the time to understand your target audience, use psychology to tap into their decision-making, and write stories that compel them to take action.

Here’s a little secret: we know how to tap into your reader’s Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is a bundle of nerves in the brainstem that filters out information. It decides what gets passed from your conscious to your subconscious, filtering out noise and allowing the important stuff to get through.

Copywriters study and understand the strategy behind formatting, imagery, keyword planning, grammar, and storytelling to write strong call-to-action (CTA) content that evokes readers’ emotions and appeal to their RAS. As a result, your readers are able to focus on the important information that drives a specific CTA.

For example, you’re reading my 1,000+ word article right now, and your RAS is likely drowning out half the things I’m saying. But it’s probably shouting, “Content marketing is overwhelming. I need to hire a copywriter stat!”

In addition to tapping into the RAS, copywriters understand how to use data analytics to measure the success of our CTA copy (as previously mentioned). For example, we can track site navigation to see which pieces of copy on the site inspire visitors to take action.

If a single piece of copy is underperforming, we’re able to identify that and adjust accordingly.

So maybe you’re a good writer. But copywriters are experts. We tackle all aspects that come with writing effective copy — artistic, psychological, and technical.

You’re too close to your business operations.

You know all of the ins and outs of the daily operations, and you probably always will.

When you’re overwhelmed with your business day-to-day, it becomes hard to recognize the importance of something like blog content in the big picture. It can also be hard to accept the fact that your daily or weekly content efforts do not render immediate results. You might be tempted to just brush it off.

But that can render colossal damage. Your competition will flourish, and you’ll just be a speck of dust in the virtual wind.

Although you’re an expert in your industry, this doesn’t mean you’re automatically an expert in marketing your product or services. If you decide to handle your own content marketing plan, your content could come across too business-focused, lacking the key ingredient: your customers’ needs.

Ultimately, you want your content marketing efforts to solve your customers’ problems and gain their trust. You want to be their go-to industry expert. But as the business owner, it’s hard to remove yourself from the business mindset and put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

But a copywriter will do exactly that.

We take the time to step back, think about your customers’ pain points, and write compelling copy that eases their minds. We spend the time brainstorming content ideas that your customers really want to see, so you can continue to focus on your business.

More importantly, we usually are one of your customers!

What better person could you find to handle your content marketing?

Good news! I’m a sustainability copywriter.

You have enough on your plate.

You don’t have time to produce daily (or even weekly) content that uses up-to-date SEO best practices, brings value to your customers, and keeps them coming back.

Not to mention, you’re overwhelmed by the technical aspects of content marketing. The thought of SEO and data analytics makes your head spin.

But not to worry, I’m here for you!

As a freelance sustainability copywriter, I’m here to not only write regular, engaging content for your mission-driven business, but I’m here to take care of all the behind-the-scenes efforts that will take your brand to the next level.

There’s a reason why 86% of highly effective companies hire someone to take care of their content strategy (5).

You should too!


  1. The Current Stats on Why You Need an Effective Copy Writing Service - Copywriter Today

  2. The Ultimate Guide to Writing Blog Posts That Rank in Google’s Top 10 - Neil Patel

  3. The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2020 - Hubspot

  4. History of Google Algorithm Updates - Search Engine Journal

  5. 38 Content Marketing Stats That Every Marketer Needs to Know - Neil Patel


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